Tales From The Camping House

Tales From The Camping House

Sunday, February 16, 2014

We Made It To The Boondocking Rally

We weren't sure whether we would make it to the RV-Dreams Boondocking Rally due to the leak in the valve to the grey tank.  We went to the service facility to have the grey tank replaced, but when the technician said there was a worst case scenario that it may take three weeks, we decided to wait for the service when we get back to Texas.

We had figured out a way to not use our grey tank for four days and then realized that would be all we would have to do to go to the rally.

This is the second boondocking rally Howard and Linda Payne have done.  It gives those who have not done any extended camping without any hookups a chance to try it out with support.  We were able to take on water at the faucet before we entered the "boon docking roundup" in the pasture.

 Here we are on the other end of the circle.

Each evening many of us gathered around the campfire to visit.

On Valentine's Day, about 13 of us took out our kayaks to travel down the Peace River.

The weather was gorgeous and we enjoyed our paddle around the river.

We even saw a couple of alligators on the banks.

This is Jemma.  She is a French Bulldog and full of character, just precious.

We paddled by the property Howard and Linda are looking at for a potential rv park.

We had a couple of great pot luck dinners

and seminars under the trees.

Our weather was great for most of the rally.  Most days, the highs were in the 70's.  We did have a couple of cool mornings, but our furnace warmed the rig and the sun quickly warmed the outside temperatures.

The best part of any rally is making new friendships and we met wonderful people that we are looking forward to seeing again on the road.

Sunday, when we left, we had Howard and Linda weigh the rig and pickup.  We were heavy on one side, so we'll have to see if we can make some adjustments.

Our generator and batteries functioned great.  We used a lot less water than we thought we would and really had no problems without hookups for five days.  That makes us a little more confident to spent some nights in national parklands without hookups.

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