November 11, 2011
Today, my brother, Gary, and my sister-in-law, Lisa, will be coming here to spend the weekend. Jim went down to the campground office to pay for their site in order for them to get the site next to us. Texas state parks operate on a reservattion system of first come first served. You can make reservations, but you cannot reserve a particular site.
They arrived around one and got set up.
Lisa called us about 4:30 to say they were going to the owl prowl up at the amphitheater at 5:00. We made plans to join them there.
We arrived at the office to begin the "prowl". A park ranger discussed owls. We weren't sure if we would see or hear any owls since there were probably about 25 people including quite a few young children.

However, the highlight of the evening was to find out about and see murmuration. No one isquite sure why this happens, but it happensin the fall. Starlings fly in amazing patterns and formations before they roost in the evening. We had an amazing spot on the rocks to watch. I have some video on itthat I will post when we get back to the land of high speed internet.

We then hiked back into the woods. The ranger was able to make screech owl calls and a couple of screech owls did answer. The kids were amazingly quiet. It was a fun evening!
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Location:Inks Lake State Park, Texas